The Hair Change, acrylic, 2006
Welcome to the new blog for YIKES!Studio and Beads & etc. I am really excited to finally be getting some new info and images up on this web site and maybe kick things up a notch as far as keeping clients up to date on the things I have been making and experimenting with lately. The blog seems like an ideal medium for this --a lot less time consuming than updating the web site leaving me more time to concentrate on what I do best!
Soon I will be dropping the Beads & etc name and will continue to work under YIKES!Studio. I think it is just too confusing to use both names and Yikes is really the best of the two I think. The site will continue to be hosted at www.beads-etc.net for now.
For those who don't know, Anthony and I have gotten married! (Sept 6, 2006) We had a beautiful, little wedding w

Upcoming shows
Philips Strickland House Fall Fair-November
MECA Alumni Show Oct 6-Nov 17
"Hold Everything!" Oct Maine Discovery Museum Auction-painted bench
MECA Auction Nov 10-Kumbala Jasper Necklace
Philips Strickland House Fall Fair-November
MECA/SEA Holiday Show-Dec 1-3, new location at the East End Community School
CancerCare at EMMC Show Feb 2007
New Work
Ever since planning my wedding I have been interesed in making jewelry that is a bit more romantic and more d
ress-up. I have been very drawn to the Swarovski Crystals and want to incorporate lots of sparkle but in new ways that I hope will continue to excite people about my work.

silver flower necklace with Swarovski crystals,
garnets and cherry quartz sold

My paintings continue to move in directions that I enjoy and I hope will appeal to others. The landscapes and still lifes on the small boards are really fun and people seem to like them. I call them my kitchen art. The landscapes are still captivating me and I am anxious to get out and paint soon. Things have been a little crazy since the wedding and getting Maine Gallery Guide back on track has taken a lot of my time. The colors now are really magnificent and the air wonderfully clear. Yesterday it was misty and really lovely too.
I am interested in doing more figurative work. I feel I can really get at the center of things when working in this form. It is something that I feel calls for bigger canvases and am currently working at around 36 x 28.
Thanks for looking at my work! Till next time....Suzanne
Suzijewels necklace - mixed media
Binding, 2006 acrylic

Water Sparkles, 2006, Oil Pastel