Perfect for Fall. Handmade beads in browns, blues
with faceted carnelian and sterling silver.
Hand forged sterling silver clasp. 16" (sold)

Greens and Blues. Long necklace of handmade beads, silver chain,
faceted blue quartz, swarovsky Austrian Crystal and opal glass.
Hand forged sterling silver clasp. appox 26"

Shell and Petal Necklace. Asian inspired in a combination
of handmade beads and pendant with sterling silver,
handmade precious metal clay shell, pink opal glass and seed beads.
Hand forged clasp. 16"

Pink and Green. Handmade large beads (approx 20 mm)
with varied fun patterns strung with copper, dyed jade
and Swarovsky Austrian crystal.
Hand forged copper clasp. approx. 20"
Posting a few pictures of some recent beads and necklaces.
NOLA Project
Things are going well with the fund raising bracelet. I have raised almost enough to cover my travel expenses! I will still need raise funds for materials, framing and publicity for the shows. Thanks to everyone who has so generously supported me!
I will be having a solo show of my landscapes at the Biddeford Savings Bank, Biddeford, Maine Oct- Dec