Standing with my painting at Stable Gallery, Damariscotta
My Jewelry and painting at Stable Gallery
Stable Gallery in Damariscotta
My work is one of the featured artist's work for this month at Stable Gallery. Anthony and I attended the lovely opening last Friday. It was really nice and I was impressed with all the work there. They put out a lovely spread of food and even had live music. The members all did such a great job hanging the show. It is really one of the nicest galleries and Damariscotta is a sweet little town.

Made to match!
What came first, the beads or the fabric?
I am posting a pict. of the necklace I made to go with my dress that I wore to the opening. I was happy with how it came out. It was interesting to hear people's comments about it (all positive!) Someone asked me if I made the dress to match the necklace. That would have been really hard! I would have had to make the fabric!!! Much easier to make beads to match the fabric! I would love to do more of this sort of thing. Custom beads/jewelry to match outfit/fabric. New from YIKES! Studio!

Some flowers at Le Vatout
Le Vatout
We stayed overnight at a great B&B called Le Vatout in Waldoboro and made some excellent friends with the owners. We hope they will come and visit us in Lucerne if they can ever get away. The garden at this place is incredable!!! I am inspired to work on my own pathetic garden.

Talking to some customers at the Old Port Fest.
The Portland Old Port Fest weekend before last was a blast. I was really pleased with the turnout and made lots of sales. People continue to respond very favorably to my work and it is very rewarding. I could not believe how this little event has grown since I was an art student in '80's
Next weekend is the Lupine Fest in Stonington. Not sure what is will be like as it is the first time I have done this show. I think it will be fun and Stonington is so pretty.
Following week I will be in Ellsworth for a new show upstairs at the Grind on Main Street. Its part of a brand new event called "Art Across Ellsworth"
Happy Summer!☺