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Sunday, November 08, 2009

day after...

Designing Women show yesterday in Bangor

"harvest pin"

"jumpin' jax"

I am writing, tired and excited at the same time after the Designing Women show in Bangor yesterday. It was a lovely show with many old friends showing up and visiting. I was really impressed with how strong the work was and how supportive and nice all the women exhibitors are.

In my recent e-newsletter I talked about how really honored I am when my customers choose me for their holiday gift purchases. At the show yesterday many such customers were getting a start on their holiday buying. One very nice and very interesting woman, who is a writer, spent quite a while in my booth buying a gift for every female person on her list! It was a big purchase. It is such a nice validation of my hard work to have that kind of response.

Booth makeover

I am very happy with the way my booth is shaping up! I guess there is always some anxiety (like waking up and freaking out at 5:00 am on show day) around making changes when things are going so well. I love maniquins and am happy with the new ones in my booth. The pedistals are really great too!

Will spend the rest of today getting ready for trip tomorrow to Maine Center for Craft in Gardiner to work out wholesale order and do some ordering of supplies. No rest for me today!

Next weekend I will be at "The Gifted Hand" in Ellsworth. See the awesome write up in the Boston Globe about The Gifted Hand show and the Brewer Thanksgiving show, of which I am also doing! What an exciting time it is.

Hope to see you there.


"fruti fruti"

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